Sunday, August 23, 2009

Recent thoughts...........

There are many social networking sites available. Blogging is one of them, then there's Facebook and Twitter and you can chat on your phone, IM, etc. We like blogging because it's informative and easy to use. About once a month I'll jot down my thoughts and try to keep up with it. It's easy to forget, even though it's a Marketing tool as well as an insight into the life of Adelia, it's not always easy to write things that people will care about. (Being from Boston, I'm practical as well as cynical and maybe I think TOO much and answer my questions before I even ask you?)

So, what's on my mind? Well, i've been looking at other bead websites and getting inspiration for ours and I noticed that some of them have oodles and oodles of happy smiling people on their pages to project a look and feel of happy people buying, giving a feel of wonderfulness to the store. That's a great idea, so your wondering why our site isn't filled with happy faces? I'm sort of shy person and one, not comfortable asking someone for a photo and two, I prefer to not have to go through all the rigamarole to get permission forms filled out (lazy too?). However, I like using our camera to take pictures of what our customers ask for.

For almost four years, we have been whacking out a class schedule, in the beginning I had it in a calendar format with pictures and then changed it to a brochure piece then had both versions available and now we have it as a calendar with words and no pictures. Believe me when I quote "You can please some of the people some of the time, all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time." So yesterday inbetween customers, I got out my camera and took pictures of class samples.

We figure, since many people, or most, have a computer and access to the internet, then having pictures available on the website as well as the schedule of classes makes sense, DUH!! In my defense, it is time consuming and takes practice to take photos of jewelry. The silver sometimes is gold colored, the lighting almost always isn't right and paying for a professional photographer isn't something that I can do in my impulsive American way of "I WANT IT NOW" mentality.

So, click this link and you can see some, not all of the class techniques we teach at Adelia's Closet. The last picture wasn't taken yesterday, but last week. Curious? Have a look! Last weekend I actually did a video, not a great one, once again spur of the moment and posted it to YOUTUBE. Another fine example of preponderance, where do these people find the time to do all this?

Enjoy what's left of Summer, It's back to school and next raking leaves and hoping I fit into the cooler wardrobe of yesteryear!
